Our Prices

As with all dental care you will receive at every dentist, there will be a charge. And at Hullbridge Dental Clinic, we understand this, therefore we have priced our treatments and services to closely match those found on the NHS.

Our patients can rest assured that we will advise them impartially about the relative value of all options available to them. This undertaking stems from our belief that upholding the patient’s’ best interest is the only way to delivering ethical and effective dentistry.

Patients will be provided with a treatment plan and quotation before any treatment is commenced.

Examination & Diagnosis                                             

Children up to 16 years old £25.00
New patient examination £30.00
Consultation/2nd Opinion without X-Rays £45.00
Routine examination (existing patient exam) £25.00
Small x-ray £6.00
Emergency treatment / temporary filling £65.00
Prescription or advice £25.00

Standard scale and polish (30 minutes) £65.00
Two appointments for scaling and polishing £120.00
Hand Scale £15.00
Fissure sealant (child) £20.00
Fissure sealant (adult) £20.00

Composite small (white filling) £90.00+
Composite medium-large (white filling) two surface £120.00+
Cosmetic Crown (metal free) £400.00
Tooth whitening (home kits) £375.00
Porcelain veneer (per unit) £550.00

Clenching Prevention
Grinding appliance (mouth Guard) £180.00

Sports Guards
Sports guards / Mouth guards

Amalgam (metal) small to medium £80.00
Root canal treatment   
Root treatment (front tooth) £200.00
Root treatment (Pre-molar) £275.00
Root treatment (molar) £375.00
Pulpotomy (killing the nerve) £100.00
Crown and bridge restoration  
Bonded porcelain Crown (precious metal) £450.00
Bonded porcelain Crown (non-precious metal) £350.00
Re-cement Crown/bridge £60.00
Crowns: back teeth (non-precious metal) £350.00
Bridge (porcelain bonded, per unit) £350.00
Bridge (replacing one tooth) £1050.00

Full upper OR full lower denture £550.00
Partial denture (Chrome metal) £900.00

Miscellaneous treatments
Implant consultation fee £100.00

Simple tooth extraction £100.00+
Surgical tooth extraction £180.00+